NSNs, or National Stock Numbers, are 13-digit serials that are assigned to items that are bought, stocked, distributed, and sold via the federal supply chain.
Alternative NSN: 7040-00-937-1988 |
Item Name: Heat Exchanger |
FSG: 70 Automatic Data Processing Equipment (Including Firmware) Software Supplies and Support Equipment |
Federal Supply Class (FSC): 7040 Punched Card Equipment |
NIIN: 009371988 |
NCB Code: USA (00) |
Manufacturers: Tally Printer Corporation |
Part No. | Manufacturer | Item Name | Quantity | RFQ |
Part No.: 301150 | Manufacturer: tally printer corporation | Item Name: heat exchanger | Quantity:Avl | RFQ |
The National Stock Number 7040-00-937-1988 is a 13-digit code assigned to specific military parts to streamline product identification process by Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). Each NSN contains various information for ease of identification, such as 7040-00-937-1988 containing the FSC 7040 Punched Card Equipment, as well as a unique NIIN 009371988 to identify this exact item for simplified management and procural. |
On our website, we feature top-requested part numbers like 301150 and others, which all fall under NSN 7040-00-937-1988. These part numbers are currently available and ready to ship, so be sure to request a quote at your earliest convenience. |
The FSC code assigned to NSN 7040-00-937-1988 is FSC 7040 Punched Card Equipment. This can be determined by the first four digits of an item’s NSN. Federal Supply Classification codes, or FSC codes, are utilized to categorize and standardize products and services procured by the U.S. federal government and other entities, promoting simplified trade. |
The item name associated with NSN 7040-00-937-1988 is “Heat Exchanger.” |
Manufacturer(s) associated with NSN Number 7040-00-937-1988 on our website include The Boeing Company and others listed on our database. While individual part numbers may vary between manufacturers, NSNs always remain the same for distinct items. |
FSG 70 Automatic Data Processing Equipment (Including Firmware) Software Supplies and Support Equipment is associated with NSN Number 7040-00-937-1988. FSG stands for Federal Supply Group, a two-digit numeric code used in the Federal Supply Classification (FSC) system for a more broad method of categorizing items as compared to FSCs. |
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